Friday, October 21, 2011

Secret Pain: Self-Abuse

Self-Injury: what do we know about it? Mutilating oneself. An act of damaging or causing injury to yourself.
It's an emotional, mental and spiritual disturbance. Depression, angst, anger, anxiety all tie into the motivation of self-mutilation.
Why do we hurt ourselves?
A way to get out the emotional pain inside an individual? To feel something other than the emotional pain or the numbness that depression brings to our minds?
To even out the emotional with physical pain?
Maybe to the abuser, an act of punishment towards themself?

Just know you are not alone if you are abusing, you are not alone in this. Your pain is only temporary, but your body is for the rest of your life. The scar will always be there, but the pain will soon pass. You will be free one day, you will be happy and you will love yourself.

Types of Self-Injury:
1. Cutting (slicing: generally in most cases on the arms, legs, thighs, wrists, stomach)
2. Burning (could be with lighters, any hot surfaces: stove tops, etc.
3. Breaking bones
4. Slapping, punching, pinching skin (self-made)
5. Hair-pulling